Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Joe has always wanted a pop up camper. So he started the search and found an older model but in really good shape. We bought it before memorial day, and have used it almost every weekend. We have been to Carter lake (my brother in law and sister in law just bought a boat!), Glendo for the 4th of July weekend, Lake Pueblo for an adult weekend, and up to Glenwood Springs to camp with my dad. I camped a lot when I was younger and always loved it. I am so glad that we are able to do this with our kids.


Family.... the word has so much meaning! I feel so blessed to have the family that I do. I have a husband I adore, children (whom while they are a lot of work) I cherish. My mom, dad and sisters, brother in law, nephew and niece. I have also been so fortunate to marry into an amazing family. My mother in law so kind and gentle, my father in law giving, and loving, my sister in law has been become one of my greatest friends. She is like my other sister, my brother in law is so honest, and fun, my nephews make me melt everytime I see them. Some people are never blessed with an amazing family, I am so lucky I was blessed with two!