Sunday, January 16, 2011

Boat show....

Every year the guys (Joe, Randy, Uncle Chad, Uncle Gary and several other guys) all head down to the boat show. Last year, Joe was sweet enough to take both Emma and Jack. I think they were still pretty little, he said he had spent most of the night chasing them around. This year Uncle Chad was taking Clayton, so Joe decided to bring Jack along too! Jack LOVES Clayton so he was SO excited to have a night with just him and all the other 'boys'!! Although, neither me or Jamie were there to snap some pictures I sent our camera with Joe to get a few shots. He did great! Thanks honey for capturing your guys night for me!! It looks like they all had such a great time!!

While they were at the boat show, I enjoyed some alone time with my sweet girl! We ordered pizza, got ice cream, watched a movie and snuggled up on the couch. My favorite part though, Emma and I crawled into my bed and fell asleep together. Something we never get to do just the two of us! It was such a wonderful Friday night!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Girl Scout Cookies For Sale....

this is Emma's first year as a daisy girl scout. Which means it's her first year selling the favorite girl scout cookies. She has been very excited to go door to door giving her little sales pitch. She has sold a lot of boxes, but most importantly she is having fun! The cookie selling started last Friday when the Colorado cold spell hit. She was determined to get out there right after school to start selling. She even ate her snack as she walked, talk about dedication!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Not a normal Wednesday night...

but it sure was fun!! I got some free CU basketball tickets from work. So Mimi, Poppa, Auntie Jamie, Uncle Chad, Clayton, Taylor, Joe, Emma, Jack and myself all headed over to Boulder to cheer the CU boys basketball team on! First we enjoyed a nice, not so quite but still nice dinner as a family at Red Robin. When we got there the kids were so excited. They were all dancing and cheering the entire time. They were cheering so hard and loud, that you would have thought it was a championship game! What a fun way to break up the week, especially the first week back from break!! What a great night!

Dancing Emma

Emma has officially started ballet and tap classes. After some discussion, Joe and I decided to put her back into it. She has been asking for sometime, but because we weren't sure she was really into it and the cost we opted to wait. Her good friend Stella is also in the class which helped us make the decision. When Emma woke up on Tuesday morning you would have thought Santa had come again. She was so thrilled to go to dance, the only bad part is it doesn't start until 5:15pm. Poor thing had to wait all day! When she did get there though, she had so much fun!! I love seeing my kids doing something they really love doing!

New Years Eve 2010

Well 2010 was nothing short of eventful, lots of wonderful things some not so wonderful. But in at the end of the year, we are all blessed with good family, good friends, health and jobs. All the other stuff just doesn't seem to matter. Good bye 2010, I learned a lot this last year but I am looking forward to a better 2011!