Sunday, September 25, 2011

Look out below

The tree in our front yard has been dying. Sadly, it got boars and we couldn't get it better. This is the 3rd tree that we have lost in our yard. What are we doing wrong, or is it just bad luck?!? Joe and I have been discussing getting it down, we decided that doing it in the fall versus the winter is a good idea. We had thrown around ideas of going to Estes Park, going for a hike in Boulder. After much discussion, Joe said he just wanted to be home. I completely respect that, after working all week and all of the board stuff he does he is rarely just home to 'hang out'. We decided to make green Chile, I went to get the ingredients. Joe was headed out to mow and putz in the yard. When I returned all that remained of the tree in the front yard was a stump! Joe decided to just start taking it down! Wow, what a job! After hand sawing each root our neighbor Dennis came over with an electric hand saw. Amen! That helped huge. Dennis also stayed to help with the project. After a while the guys decided they should use a car and help break the tree free. It was decided to use Dennis' car since his was front wheel drive. The good news, the guys got the tree out. The bad news, it shattered the back window in Dennis' car. So, after trying to save some money and not hiring it done, we really didn't save anything. We offered to pay for Dennis' deductible. The tree is out, I think we will replace it with a new one. But I think we might wait a little bit. Poor Joe was so sore and tired yesterday. He is out playing golf now, hopefully his body isn't hurting to bad!! Thanks Dennis for your help, and we are so sorry about your car!

A game of golf...

The Smiley's and us have done this a few times this summer, not nearly as much as we wanted too. On Friday was the PJ night at Vista Ridge, so we dropped the kids off and tee'd off. It was a beautiful afternoon. We had some beers in the cart cooler and were on our way. I'm not great, but love being out there with Joe and great friends. Joe was so excited, he got his first ever birdie! Good job honey! The kids had a lot of fun and PJ night too! It was a win for all!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The main event

Sunday September 18th at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Downtown Denver, my little sister Emily became Mrs. Tim Lawrence! It was a beautiful event. Everything was perfect! The flowers, that were done by Bev, the dresses she picked for the bridesmaids, the tuxes, the cake, the flower girls, ring bearers. Really everything could not have gone more smoothly! Emily was stunningly beautiful! I think the comment made most yesterday was that she should be in a magazine, she looked fantastic! Tim looked so handsome too! It was such a beautiful day, I was so honored to be a part of it. I am excited to see Emily and Tim make their life together, such a bright future it is! Congratulations Emily and Tim Lawrence!!

Bridal luncheon/dinner in Denver

On Saturday the girls had the bridal luncheon at Kate's house at 11am. We headed to get the kids from Aunt Jamie & Uncle Chad's about 8:15am. We chatted with them for a bit, then headed home where I started getting ready for the shower. When Emma and I headed to the shower the boys headed to the annual biscuit days celebration in downtown Erie. The boys then headed over to April & James to watch the CU CSU game. Which CU won!! Yay!
After the beautiful bridal luncheon, Joe the kids and I headed back down to Denver to check into our hotel room for the night. Joe went on a tour of the Great Divide brewery and then headed to the Rockies game with a huge group of people. The kids and I walked around on 16th Street mall and then met my mom, Bill, Mary Jane and Jo (all long time friends in from Nebraska) for dinner at Panzano. Joe called me just as we were finishing up dinner, he decided to leave the game and meet up with us. I was bummed he wasn't enjoying the game, but the kids and I were so happy to have him come and hang out with us!
After dinner we walked back to the hotel and enjoyed a few cocktails and chatted. We headed up to bed pretty early since Emma and I had to be up and in the bridal suite by 6:30am to begin the makeup process....

The Wedding events begin....

Friday September 16th~
The rehearsal, The Grand Hyatt in Downtown Denver 4:15pm
After getting Emma out of school at 2:30pm to make it to Denver on time for the run through. We made it, the traffic already started getting bad at 3:30pm so luckily we left with plenty of time. The kids were having a sleepover with Clayton and Taylor. Uncle Chad was nice enough to swing by and pick up the kids at the Grand Hyatt so we could enjoy the rehearsal dinner. After Uncle Chad got there, we he headed over to Vita for the dinner.
Vita is located in the Highlands. Although we had never heard of it before it was a very good and fun evening! We stayed with my mom that night so we didn't have to drive back to Erie.

We were in bed before 11pm, which was great since we knew we had a big weekend ahead!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Young Patriot...

Emma was asked by Mayor Wilson to lead the Pledge of Allegiance for the Town board meeting tonight. What an honor! When Joe told her, she was excited but immediately got nervous. Tonight, when Mimi brought her in the board room with her hair done so pretty along with her nails and toe nails she was so nervous. Mayor Wilson, took her up and showed her what they were going to do. Once he started, she stood up there and rocked the Pledge! I could hear her voice the whole time! I was so proud!! I looked at Joe during it, and I could see how proud he was! Having his daughter leading the pledge of allegiance for the town he works so hard for!!
After she was done Mimi, Poppa, Jack, Emma and me headed to Briggs Station for some dinner and to celebrate! Way to go Em, we are all so proud of you!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My little helper....

Since Emma is in school full time, Jack and I do all of our running around together. I am loving the time alone with him when he is not in preschool. This morning after dropping Emma at school, I need a few things from vitamin cottage. Jack was all about helping me, he pushed the little cart and put everything in it for me. It was cute watching him cruise around the store. Thanks buddy for your help!

Celebrating Auntie Jamie's birthday with Zac Brown Band

Happy Birthday Auntie Jamie!! What better way to spend your birthday than going to a Zac Brown Band concert? At red rocks no less! Randy, Bev, Jamie, Chad, Joe, Allison and I all went to the concert on Monday night. We had a little tailgate complete with cupcakes, baked by Allison. We enjoyed some beers and snacks before heading into the concert. Red rocks is an amazing venue for a concert, but when it is Zac Brown it is even better! He put on another great show. This is the 3rd concert we have been to of his, all have been incredible! It was a beautiful night in Colorado, we danced sang and enjoyed being together! Auntie Jamie, I hope your birthday was as wonderful as you are!!


We have wanted to camp all summer, but haven't had a chance to do it. When Jamie and Chad said they were going to Glendo to camp and boat, we were excited to join in the fun! Thanks to Bev and Jamie and the boys of course. They headed up early Thursday to secure a spot for us. It can be brutal finding a camping spot, especially on a holiday weekend. Joe the kids and I got up there after 8pm on Thursday night. Jamie & Bev found a perfect spot! Once Randy & Chad arrived, our weekend started! We enjoyed each other's company, lots of food and of course beer! We boated, played bean bag toss and chatted! Some of my favorite quotes of the weekend, Awesome city! Lame city... Dillweed, Ranger Rick which then turned into ranger Dick, and of course, it's in the Denali. The kids had a wonderful time playing together, you could tell how much fun they had with each other! It was my favorite camping trip to date! We all had such a great time! Thanks again, for another perfect camping weekend!