Monday, October 12, 2009

Ringling Brothers Circus

I haven't been to the circus in years, in fact I can't remember the last time I went. My dad decided to come down from Glenwood Springs this weekend for the Bronco game so we thought the circus would be a fun thing to do with him, and Kate & John and our nephew and niece. So Saturday night we went to the Ringling Brothers Circus at the Denver Coliseum. It didn't start until 7:30pm (which we were a little worried about how Jack would do, but he did great!) But we got down there an hour early and got to walk around on the floor and try on costumes and see the animals up close and personal. Through the whole thing Emma kept turning to me to say "Thank you so much for bringing us to the circus!" We asked everyone what their favorite part was, Emma's was the Tigers, Jack's was the elephants, mine was the double human cannon ball, and Joe's (which is so sweet) said just watching the kids!! We had such a great night, and hope to do it again next year!!

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