Monday, January 18, 2010

Knee Surgery

I didn't plan for the 2010 to start off this way....but it did! I had been training with Jamie for my first 1/2 marathon in Arizona on the 17th of January. I did 3 triathlons this summer and I think sometime during of of my races or just the training I injured my knee. It has hurt off and and on for awhile. So when I was at my dad's after Christmas he did an MRI of my knee, which confirmed a torn meniscus. My dad said I probably wouldn't be running my half, but my plan was to still go have a girls weekend and cheer on Jamie! I had my first surgery on Jan 8th, all went well I came home that evening and was taken care of by Joe, Emma & Jack. I had the weekend to recoup and that's what I did. By Monday I was just not moving as fast as we thought I would be, so Joe decided to work from home. About 1pm the pain set in and there was nothing I could do to get it to go away. Finally about 530pm Joe took me to the ER. I was admitted and put on antibiotics, because they thought I might have an infection. After being there for the night my Dr. decided to do another surgery to clean it out. Today is Monday and I feel great! I am so bummed that not only was I unable to run the half but I also wasn't able to go on my girl's trip. The good news is, Joe, Jamie, Chad & Brandy and I are all going to Vegas for March madness on the 19th of March. I guess everything works out!! There is always next year!

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