Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Host Family

I enrolled both Emma and Jack in a soccer camp the end of July called the Challenger soccer camp. Last year Clayton participated in this and LOVED it!! When I saw it was coming to Erie, I quickly jumped on it. You could also request to be a host family. I was excited about this too, last year Jamie and Chad hosted someone from England named Lucca. Such a cool experience. Not many Erie families signed up to be host families, so Joe and I were set to have 2 coaches. As luck would have it, we would have the exact coach staying with us this year that also stayed with Jamie and Chad last year. What a small world! We also were going to host a female. About a week before the camp started, the camp director called and asked if we would be willing to host a third coach. I knew things might be a little tight, but I thought it would be so fun. Not just for the kids, but also for me and Joe. The Sunday before the camp began, we welcomed Dan, Brogan and Lucca into our home. All three of them were all such a joy to have here! Jack really took to Dan, he loved playing with him talking to him. Joe and I also really enjoyed having them here. We are already looking forward to next years Challenger Soccer camp!

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