I hardly believe it's true, that Emma started first grade this morning. Last night when I was looking for pictures of Jack when he was born, I saw pictures of this little girl who was exactly that, a little girl. Someone much different than who sat across from me at dinner last night. Emma has grown, she's taller, has bigger feet, has lost teeth....but that's not the grown I mean. She is more mature. She is kind, smart, thoughtful, thinks things through, processes. She isn't the same little I was looking at in the pictures last night. In many ways in makes me sad, my baby isn't my baby anymore. But I am beaming with pride at the young lady she is becoming! She was a little nervous this morning for her first day, when I bent down to kiss her good bye, she looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and quickly shut them, and began crying. Which anyone that knows me, knows I also started crying. Luckily, my sunglasses were on so she didn't get to see me be sad. I told her it would be ok, she looked at me wiped her eyes, pulled up her big girl pants and walked to her teacher. They then walked into the building. I was so proud of her! I knew she would ok, of course she would be ok. But I would be lying if I said I didn't miss her today! When I picked her up, she ran up and hugged me. I asked if she missed me and she said "no, not to much!" Yay! I was so glad! Happy 1st day of 1st grade baby! You are gonna soar!!
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