Monday, August 17, 2009

Ears pierced!!

Emma has been asking to get her ear's pierced. Joe and I talked about it and thought since we were going to Lake Powell we should wait until we got home. Emma and I were talking about it one day and she had asked if it would hurt, I took my finger and very lightly pinched her ear, she started crying and said "I think I will wait until I am 68!" Joe and I thought we were in the clear. Well it might have been that she had 8 hours to sit in the car and think about it driving home from Lake Powell, but she talked to us about it for the last few hours. The following day, I took her to the mall to get the pierced, she was so excited! She was jumping up and down and dancing. She was so brave, a few tears and a little help from a teddy bear she now has beautifully pierced ears!!

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