Monday, August 17, 2009

Jack is 2!!!

I can hardly believe my baby is 2 years old today! The time has flown by! He has been a constant source of joy, entertainment, frustration and laughter! We had a farm themed birthday party for him at Coal miners park on Sunday, the day before his birthday. So many of our wonderful friends and family came to celebrate his special day with him. The weather was perfect, the food and company were great! Today, his actual birthday Auntie Jamie, Clayton, Taylor, Emma, me and Mimi played with all of his new toys at our house. Mimi brought all the kids happy meals and we had cupcakes for dessert. It was a low key day, but after the big party yesterday it was the perfect way to spend the day! Thank you everyone for celebrating our sweet son's 2nd birthday!!

1 comment:

  1. So cute. Looks like he had a fun birthday! I'd love to keep up with you on your blog. Mine is I just need your email if you want me to invite you to it because it's private. Have a great day.
